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Cancel a Transaction


Use this endpoint to cancel or void a pending or authorized transaction. The transaction can be canceled or voided when it is in pending and completed statuses.


This endpoint works only for Stripe and PayPal and does not work for manual gateway.


Path Parameters

    orderID stringrequired

    The unique identifier of the order.

    transactionID stringrequired

    The unique identifier of the transaction to be canceled or voided.


    data object
    options object
    reason string

    Specifies the reason for canceling the transaction. The reason may include duplicate, fraudulent, requested_by_customer, or abandoned.


Response Headers
      data object
      id uuid

      The ID of the transaction.

      reference string

      The payment gateway reference.

      name string

      A custom name associated with the payment method.

      custom_reference string

      A reference associated with the payment method. This might include loyalty points or gift card identifiers. We recommend you not to include personal information in this field.

      gateway string

      Possible values: [adyen, authorize_net, braintree, card_connect, cyber_source, elastic_path_payments_stripe, manual, paypal_express_checkout, stripe, stripe_connect, stripe_payment_intents]

      The name of the payment gateway used.

      amount number

      The amount for this transaction.

      refunded_amount number

      The refunded amount.

      currency string

      The transaction currency.

      transaction-type string

      The type of transaction, such as purchase, capture, authorize or refund.

      status string

      The status provided by the gateway for this transaction, such as complete or failed.

      relationships object
      order object
      data object
      type string

      Represents the type of the object being returned. It is always order.

      id uuid

      The ID of the order.

      meta object
      display_price object
      amount number

      The raw total of this cart.

      currency string

      The currency set for this cart.

      formatted string

      The tax inclusive formatted total based on the currency.

      display_refunded_amount object
      amount number

      The raw total of this cart.

      currency string

      The currency set for this cart.

      formatted string

      The tax inclusive formatted total based on the currency.

      timestamps object
      created_at string

      The date this was created.


      The date this was last updated.

    Authorization: http

    name: bearerAuthtype: httpscheme: bearer
    curl -L -X POST '' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -H 'Accept: application/json' \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>' \
    --data-raw '{
    "data": {
    "options": {},
    "reason": "string"
    Request Collapse all
    Base URL
    — pathrequired
    — pathrequired
      "data": {
        "options": {},
        "reason": "string"

    Click the Send API Request button above and see the response here!