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Get an Entry


  • For Commerce, this endpoint retrieves an entry from a flow.
  • For Product Experience Manager, this endpoint retrieves an entry from a template.


Path Parameters

    flowSlug stringrequired

    The slug for the flow/template.

    flowEntryID stringrequired

    The ID of the entry.



    data object
    id uuid

    A unique identifier for a resource.

    type string

    Represents the type of object being returned.

    links object

    Links allow you to move between requests. Single entities use a self parameter with a link to that specific resource. Listing pages use the following:

    currentAlways the current page
    firstAlways the first page
    lastnull if there is only one page.
    prevnull if you are on the first page.
    nextnull if there is only one page.
    self string
    meta object
    owner string

    Possible values: [store, organization]

    The resource owner, either organization or store.

    timestamps object
    created_at string

    The date and time a resource is created.

    updated_at string

    The date and time a resource is updated.

    property name* string

    There can be a :fieldSlug attribute for each field/attribute attached to a flow/template. The type depends on the field type.

Authorization: http

name: bearerAuthtype: httpscheme: bearer
curl -L -X GET '' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>'
Request Collapse all
Base URL
— pathrequired
— pathrequired

Click the Send API Request button above and see the response here!